Top 7.5 reasons to go to summer camp at Twin Pines Camp!

Summer is the dream season for every school-age kid.  Summer means freedom from schoolwork, bedtimes, and more time with friends!  All those things happen at Twin Pines Camp in the summer.  So, what are the top reasons for coming to camp?  Here are the top 7.5 reasons for going to summer camp!

  1. Friends – new and old! Time at camp means time with friends.  Some of those friends come with you to camp but some of them are new friends you meet at camp!
  2. Swimming – Summer camp with out swimming is like sugar free ice cream! You still have some of the good stuff but not all of it.  There isn’t much more fun than taking a swim in the pool on a hot summer day!
  3. Snack Shop – Food in the dining room at camp is fine but with all the activity of a day at camp is suer is nice to get a snack during free time or in the evening from the snack shop!
  4. Campfires – Many, many times campers will indicate the most meaningful and fun times at camp often happen around a campfire. Just typing this I can hear the camp songs and smell the smoke.
  5. Summer Staff – They are COOL! No more explanation needed!
  6. Nature – At camp there is a lot of nature to see and explore. You can take a hike, flip rocks in the stream, do a pond study, go fishing, and so much more!
  7. Time with Jesus – Twin Pines exists to share Jesus with campers but this is one of the most common “Favs” of camp. A time to learn more about Jesus and draw closer to Him.  Being able to learn and grow in nature with the way cool summer staff and your friends!

I know the title is 7.5 reasons to go to summer camp.  The 7.5 reason is from the campers.  Campers enjoy time away from Mom and Dad!  They grow, they have fun, they act goofy and it’s all good! The camp staff keeps the campers safe and makes sure they have fun and campers see the opportunity to do things with out mom and dad!  Don’t worry parents they do miss you, sometimes!

Come to camp this summer and build your own list of top reasons to go to summer camp!

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