Top 7.5 reasons to go to summer camp at Twin Pines Camp!

Summer is the dream season for every school-age kid.  Summer means freedom from schoolwork, bedtimes, and more time with friends!  All those things happen at Twin Pines Camp in the summer.  So, what are the top reasons for coming to camp?  Here are the top 7.5 reasons for going to summer camp!

  1. Friends – new and old! Time at camp means time with friends.  Some of those friends come with you to camp but some of them are new friends you meet at camp!
  2. Swimming – Summer camp with out swimming is like sugar free ice cream! You still have some of the good stuff but not all of it.  There isn’t much more fun than taking a swim in the pool on a hot summer day!
  3. Snack Shop – Food in the dining room at camp is fine but with all the activity of a day at camp is suer is nice to get a snack during free time or in the evening from the snack shop!
  4. Campfires – Many, many times campers will indicate the most meaningful and fun times at camp often happen around a campfire. Just typing this I can hear the camp songs and smell the smoke.
  5. Summer Staff – They are COOL! No more explanation needed!
  6. Nature – At camp there is a lot of nature to see and explore. You can take a hike, flip rocks in the stream, do a pond study, go fishing, and so much more!
  7. Time with Jesus – Twin Pines exists to share Jesus with campers but this is one of the most common “Favs” of camp. A time to learn more about Jesus and draw closer to Him.  Being able to learn and grow in nature with the way cool summer staff and your friends!

I know the title is 7.5 reasons to go to summer camp.  The 7.5 reason is from the campers.  Campers enjoy time away from Mom and Dad!  They grow, they have fun, they act goofy and it’s all good! The camp staff keeps the campers safe and makes sure they have fun and campers see the opportunity to do things with out mom and dad!  Don’t worry parents they do miss you, sometimes!

Come to camp this summer and build your own list of top reasons to go to summer camp!

Top 5 things to leave at home when you go to summer camp at Twin Pines!

  1. Cell Phone – Twin Pines knows you may want your cell phone to stay in touch with your friends, but you will be so busy you won’t have time to tweet, insta, or snap people! Plus, then you get to tell them all the great camp stories at once when you get home from camp.  In fact, we are so sure you won’t need your cell phone that if you bring it we collect them and keep them safe in the office for the week!  Then on Saturday we return them so you can tweet, insta, and snap all about your week!  
  2. Pets – everyone loves their pets! However, your pets need to stay at home even on drop off and pickup day.  Some people have allergies and there tends to be a lot of people and movement at camp and not all pets are ok with that kind of excitement.  Just think how excited your pets will be to see you when you get home!
  3. Valuable items – you won’t need your great-aunt’s cedar chest to bring items to camp. Put what you need in a bag and bring it along, remember you are going to camp and some activities do get messy at times.  It sis a good idea to bring a set old clothes just in case there is a messy activity!
  4. Bad attitude – Yes you will be challenged, and you will try new things with people you don’t know. You will be kept safe and have a lot of fun especially with a positive attitude!
  5. Electronics – this is kind a the same as bringing a cell phone. You won’t need it or have time for it!  Leave it at home so it is all charged and ready for when you get home!

Things Seen and Unseen

So, how did your team do this past Sunday? Did you have a favorite commercial? How about that half time show (that people are still analyzing and blowing up facebook about two days later)?

It's just a few short days after Super Bowl Sunday, the most widely watched television event in the United States. Weeks of hype have led to this, because it wasn't just the teams playing that had everyone interested, but the half time show, and of course, the only reason I even turn it on, the commercials. The commercials are such a big deal, that some of the bigger companies leaked their commercials early to try to big up their sales. And who can blame them? If I spent millions of dollars to produce a 30 second commercial, I would want it to get as much press as possible too. 

With all of the exposure that the Super Bowl gets, it is easy to overlook some of the darker sides to this football game. Sources can't agree on this statement, but among many human trafficking advocates, the Super Bowl is believed to be the largest single human trafficked event in the nation. 

You see, it's not just major corporations that are looking to make some extra money the week leading up to the big game. There are those in the world that make their money off of the suffering of others, and just like all the companies that make those funny and amusing commercials, they are also trying to make as much money as possible. 

Human Trafficking is not something that is comfortable to talk about, especially in connection to one of America's favorite sports. It tends to be an issue that we as Christian know about, pray about, and sometimes speak out against, but we still like to think of it as something evil that only happens overseas. We like to think that we would never let something like that happen here in America. Unfortunately that is not the case. Not only is it here in America, but it is happening right here in Pennsylvania! Right now! And if you think it isn't, feel free to check out some local statistics on

So now we know there is a problem, but where does it go from here? What is the next step? 

First thing you can do is to register for the Church Changing Culture Summit here at Twin Pines on March 4-5th. Go to our events page, and you can even register for the event through the website. Stay overnight, or just join us on Saturday. Our presenters are from the Valley Against Sex Trafficking (, and they will share their knowledge of why this has become such a demand and give practical advice on what we can do about it in our own communities. 

The Church can change the culture, because we serve a huge God who can make anything happen. But sometimes we feel like we are not equipped to do the task. Join us on March 4-5 to start the conversation, and learn what resources are available to you! That way, we can return to our churches better equipped to expose the perpetrators and help the victims of human trafficking, both seen and unseen! 

Top 7 things to bring to Summer Camp in 2022!

When you are thinking about going to camp and packing for a week you have to make decisions about what to take bring along.  Here is a list of the TOP 7 THINGS TO TAKE TO CAMP this summer.  Do you agree?  What else is essential to bring along for the camp experience?  Let us know!


  1. A Swimsuit – what would a week of camp be without swimming? BORING! That’s right when you go to summer camp you need to go swimming.  Plus, you might need your swimsuit for the slip n’ slide or water games!
  2. Crocs – if you spend much time at camp, Twin Pines, or any camp you find out that Crocs are essential all-purpose camp gear, especially since they meet the camp rules of covering your toes and having a strap around the back!
  3. Flashlight – there will most definitely be a night hike at camp to a campfire and you will want a flashlight so you can see where you are going! You might also need a flashlight for a night game!
  4. Sunscreen – No one wants a sunburn! (Especially the camp nurse) Sunscreen can help keep you protected from the sun and make sure you don’t get burned. Your skin will thank you!
  5. Friends – Camp is fun, but it is even better with friends! Go find some friends and tell them about camp and then bring them with you.  You can enjoy camp life together and even make some more friends! Camp friends are lifelong friends!
  6. Attitude – That’s right you need to bring your attitude to camp! Your POSITIVE attitude.  A positive attitude can make trying new things that much more fun!
  7. Bible – there is so much to do at camp, and so many fun and adventurous things. Including studying God’s Word!  You will hear God’s Word during your week of camp and what better way to study it than with your own Bible!

Top 10 reasons kids should NOT go to camp.

I was thinking about why people send their kids to camp and came up with some reasons NOT to.  Do I have your attention?  Read on!

  1.  Camp teaches kids independence.  Why would we want kids to learn life-long coping strategies that will help them adapt and learn to deal with new situations?  Don’t we want our kids to live with us and depend on us forever?

    Read more: Top 10 reasons kids should NOT go to camp.

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